Appreciating the parent – Aajol

Appreciating the parent

No one can give anyone a template of good parenting done right. The demands of parenting are bound by many contexts like cultural, social, economic, gender, time period, support available, relationship of parents, transgenerational patterns, parents’ childhood experiences and so on. This, along with the uniqueness of each child and each parent, makes parenting a journey to be explored and figured out on the go.

We can safely assume that parents strive to provide well for their child and to make sure that the child develops into a good/successful/capable human being and has a good life ahead. We have this herculean task at hand with no ‘correct’ roadmap. 

We can safely assume that parents can relate to the question, “Am I doing the right thing for my child? Am I handling this well? Am I a good enough parent?”

Let’s help each other out on this one. At the end of every day, appreciating one thing that our partner did well that day when it comes to parenting becomes a helpful practice. It helps us have more faith in our ability to be the parent that our child needs. It also helps us bond deeper with our partner and create a positive space for our partner which is much needed on this journey.

Single parents can also do this for themselves. Appreciating ourselves while looking at ourselves in the mirror has therapeutic potential.


At the end of every day, appreciate one thing that your partner did well that day when it comes to parenting.

Accept the praise you receive with an open heart.