Sign language – Aajol

Sign language

There are very few established means of communication that the baby has during the first year. Yet the needs of the baby arise continuously. Then the parent’s ability for guesswork is tested. At this stage sign language comes in handy. 

We can teach our baby some basic signs for some key words such as ‘more’, ‘done’, ‘sleep’, ‘hungry’, ‘milk’, ‘help’, ‘hurt’ and so on. We can start teaching sign language when the baby is about 4-6 months old.

Learning sign language before learning to speak supplements language development for the baby. It has following benefits:

  • It gives baby a head start in language learning
  • It gives a head start for the process of communication
  • It lowers the frustration experienced by the baby and the parent
  • It leads to fewer tantrums since the baby can effectively communicate
  • It improves the baby-parent bonding
  • It strengthens the baby’s cognitive skills


Make a list of all the simple keywords that you and your baby can benefit from.

Browse for how to sign those words in American Sign Language.

Start using the signs along with pronouncing the word every time you need to say the word to your baby.

Enjoy when the baby picks it up and begins using it.