Stories from our childhood – Aajol

Stories from our childhood

Stories are an integral part of a child’s life (in fact everyone’s life- child or adult). We learn through stories, we think through them, we live directly or vicariously through them, we think through them, we understand things and people through them, we engage with others through them, we get entertained through them, we get connected through them, the list is really endless. Likewise, the stories around us are endless.

In addition to the stories from the books and from mythologies and from folklore, the stories of us, our childhoods, our relationships are also a rich source of learning and bonding for us and our children.

When we tell our children stories of us,

They get to know about 

  • our childhood and how our life was back then
  • the people and relationships important to us
  • our carefree, innocent, joyous childhood self
  • the things and places important to us throughout our life
  • our friendships
  • love, kindness, honesty, perseverance, courage, commitment, patience, integrity, humility or any values that you have ‘lived’
  • you as a person, beyond being the wife, husband, mother, father or any other role they may see you in

This creates a deeper bond for you with yourself and between you and your child. In addition to this, it also gives you an endless supply of stories for everyday.


Tell your children the stories of your childhood, the stories of your friendships and the stories of you and your partner. Make sure you give the stories an age appropriate spin with mentioning the things that are not overwhelming for them and that they can grasp, while highlighting the things such as animals, nature, food, etc.